Successful kick-off of the Waking the Giant webinars

The very first Waking the Giant Webinar took place on June 10th. We were alltogether around 40 participants around the world. Thank you for all you who contributed to the discussion on SDG5.
The webinar covered e.g. the following topics: 

  • How is SDG5 linked to other SDGs?
  • What challenges do we face to achieve gender equality?
  • How does your organization or church promote gender equality (or not)? 
  • What might gender advocacy look like in your context?  
  • What is one way we can work  together as faith-based actors to achieve gender equality?


The webinar recording as well as the power points related to the webinar can be found from the resources.

There will be three more webinar sessions in 2020 covering updates from the target countries as well as the Waking the Giant global activities. Every webinar has also a special focus on one of the following topics:
SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, SDG 13 - Climate action and Theological reflection on churches' involvment with the SDGs. 


Next webinar on SDG16: September 15th at 3pm - 4.30pm Geneva time (UTC+2).