Waking the Giant in Colombia
In Colombia, Waking the Giant is hosted by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia and funded by the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission (FELM).
Officially launched in Colombia in November 2018, 'Waking the Giant' brings together an emerging platform of churches from a dozen Christian traditions in Colombia in joint efforts to help achieve the United Nations' Agenda 2030, convened by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia. Through the initiative, an "Interreligious Platform on Faith and Development" was created, which has its own website (in Spanish):
National coordinator: Bishop Eduardo Martínez Diaz, [email protected]
Global coordinator: Leena Luukkonen [email protected]
Recent activities:
Capacity building for the Foundation "Taller de mis sueños" ("workshop of my dreams"), working on SDGs 1 (No Poverty) and 4 (Quality Education). Read more (in Spanish)